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Energy Bill Rates Check – We help you to pay less

Ever picked up the paper or listened to the news and heard them talk about how Mr & Mrs. Jones were overcharged £1000 for the gas and electricity? It happens quite often!

There may well be a certain ‘spin’ on it by the media, but customers are paying more than they could be, if they only took the time to review their bills. This is the problem though, they don’t always have the time, they can’t get their head around the bill and consequently, neglect it, thereby paying higher rates.

We’ve all been there haven’t we? We receive our utility or insurance bill and fling it to one side. If you do this with an energy bill, you will miss the cut off notification date and they’ll simply roll you onto that higher rate tariff, which you cannot get out of. Not until the next renewal date.

Mr & Mrs Jones may be paying £1000 more than they need to, because they didn’t act on their renewal letter or the energy company has made a mistake with their bill. Either way, don’t just leave it, there is assistance.

If you contact me, I can find out your renewal dates. This can be diarised and at the appropriate time, I will act on it. I will send off a termination notice (preventing you from automatically rolling over contracts), then look for new energy quotes.

If you believe that you have been over-charged, again, do call me, I can check this out, if you provide me with a set of historical bills.

Recently, I saved a client £1600 per year! How, through a simple telephone call to find out his contract terms, I was informed that his rates had increased, despite him being in a fixed contract! This was corrected and the over-payment was credited back to him.

To find out more about your energy bill rates, for business energy and for your home energy, then please contact me, I will be more than happy to help.

07710 118520 or 020 8327 0001

Ian Tiffenberg – U-GET Consultancy Services

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